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Global Protection for Cannabis Trademarks: Real or Smoke and Mirrors?

Carlton Fields intellectual property attorney Clark Lackert authored an article for the AIPLA Innovate Magazine titled, “Global Protection for Cannabis Trademarks: Real or Smoke and Mirrors?” about the trademark issues surrounding the sale of cannabis related products in the U.S. and abroad.

Companies offering products containing cannabis need to consider the current regulatory environment in specific states, countries, and the global market at large, and then which trademark rules and regulations correspond to those markets. Businesses should also think through how their marketing/advertising and finance functions can strengthen or hinder their cannabis related trademark rights, and the company as a whole.

Lackert advises that the issues of which cannabis related trademarks can be registered, which marks can be used, and which cannabis trademarks can actually be enforced will become increasingly transparent as the growth of this industry continues. 

Read the article.


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