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Adam Schwartz Quoted in Law360: “The 3 Biggest White-Collar Enforcement Buzzwords of 2023”

Adam Schwartz was quoted in Law360, in an article titled “The 3 Biggest White-Collar Enforcement Buzzwords of 2023.” The article discusses the Department of Justice’s track record in 2023 showing its intent on accelerating the evolution of corporate criminal enforcement policy through updated guidance.

Schwartz discussed one of the bigger questions: how quickly will the Justice Department want companies to self-disclose misconduct, and to what degree will timeliness play a role in the credits that the government puts on the table?

"They want companies to come in early, even before companies have completed their internal investigation, which most companies will want to undertake when they've learned of potential malfeasance," said Schwartz. "It's going to be interesting to see what happens next year with this early self-disclosure policy, because there's still some hesitancy on the part of companies to have this early self-disclosure. To the extent that the government wants to put out standards, there's still work to be done."

Read the article. Subscription may be required.


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